If you require services above and beyond what I can offer, here are some great people and companies I have worked with, (and still work for) over the years.
Web and e-commerce design and build:
Contact: Andy Devereux andy@devmac.co.uk
Graphic design:
Graphic design classes:
Skillshare https://www.skillshare.com/browse/graphic-design
Forty49 – Advertising and Design
Contact: Richard Barry richard@forty49.co.uk
BHD Creative Limited – the reformed RMA Group who I worked for and where I designed most of the work in my portfolio.
Contact: Helen Dent: helen@bhdcreative.co.uk
Bacroom Design
Contact: Richard Saunders: richard@bacroom.co.uk
Blou Creative
Contact: Kristy Jones: kristy@blou-creative.co.uk
Web code
One of the best coders on the planet!
Sibtain Bandali: Sibtain@bhdcreative.co.uk
Kate Bailey: k.v.bailey@hotmail.co.uk
Alison Phipps: alison-phipps@sky.com
Dave Vickers: Pinstripe Print Group