Please contact me for more information on my services, or to discuss your requirements in more detail.
Vivsters Design
Mobile: +44 (0)7768 767145
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I was wondering if you were the cross stitch designer who was published in Cross Stitch Gold magazine with three different cat designs I believe in 2004. I have two out of the three designs and am trying to locate the pattern I do not have, which is the cat sitting on the wall.
Hi Jill, I have put all three patterns on my website FOC for a limited period. :-)
I really love your cross stitch designs! I have one from an old issue of Cross Stitch Gold that depicts a single colorful cat jumping. I know that you also have a design with a sitting cat and one with four cats together.
Is there any way I can purchase the charts for these patterns directly from you? I’ve searched for the back issues on eBay, and will continue to look for them if I can’t get the charts from you directly, but I would prefer to buy the patterns from the artist. As an author myself, I know the value of copyright and am not interested in downloading patterns illegally.
Thank you for any assistance you might provide!
I did a pdf a while back of all three designs for a lady who asked me. I no longer have the original patterns as the software writers never updated their software and I cant access them anymore, I will do a search and see if I can find the pdf for you. Have found the files, they’re on a free download on the cross stitch page of my site.
Can you tell me where I might obtain the cross stitch designs of your delightful ‘rainbow’ bright and quirky cats.
I did a pdf a while back of all three designs for a lady who asked me. I no longer have the original patterns as the software writers never updated their software and I cant access them anymore, I will do a search and see if I can find the pdf for you. Have found the files, they’re on a free download on the cross stitch page of my site.
Thank you! I’ve downloaded one chart. Just need to print it!
Hope it all works out for you, I enjoyed creating them. :-) Viv
Do you still have available for sale the wonderful cat cross stitch designs you did? PDF or print format ok for me. Thank you!
I did a pdf a while back of all three designs for a lady who asked me. I no longer have the original patterns as the software writers never updated their software and I cant access them anymore, I will do a search and see if I can find the pdf for you. Have found the files, they’re on a free download on the cross stitch page of my site.
Thank you so much for making the cat patterns available for free. I really appreciate it.
Kindest Regards, Hildit
Thanks so much for making these available. I have sent a separate inquiry about the tree of life cat chart.
Could you please advise your Paypal email address to use to purchase The Tree of Life Cat PDF chart? Thank you.
Hi Gretchen,
My email is I am so pleased that you like this one, I have put a lot of work into getting it to how I really liked it. I am going through the process of getting all my patterns on my site and you have encouraged me to do this even more. Thanks again, Viv.
I know I’ve said it like a million times, but your designs are absolutely awesome, I could spend ages just looking at them. The RMA staff avatars brings back some good and fond memories too :)
Just remember, you’re an extremely talented and a bloody great individual and no-one can ever take that away from you.
Your friend always,
Dear Sib…
Such an honourable soul. :-)
Heart felt thanks for your kind words my love. It means a lot to me… it’s taken me this long to write you a fitting reply.
I miss the old RMA very much. I hope they are looking after you.
Take care and speak soon…
Vivz x
PS I hope you don’t mind me posting your comments on the site.
I love the egyptian treasures pattern, how do I buy it from you??
I love the egyptian treasures cross stitch pattern! how do I buy it from you??
Hi there, I find PayPal is the best option for this. Around the cat and in the borders I used metallic gold thread. It’s a nightmare to use, your patience will be tested but worth it in the end. My paypal email address is and I will email the pattern to you as a PDF file. In colour blocks and symbols and a photograph of the final piece. I can post you a pattern but I don’t have a colour printer and have to send out so will take quite a bit longer to arrive. Viv
Hi Viv,
Really love your Tree of Life cat, haven’t seen anything quite like it. Please check your Paypal email, would really appreciate a PDF of that design. Thanks!
Hi there, I am very sorry your email seems to have been discarded by my over zealous email server. I havent checked paypal in ages I will happily send you the pdf as soon as I can get back to my PC. Speak soon
I would like to buy tree of life cat and firebird. Is the info for PayPal still current in the above comments?
Hi there,
Yes, having recovered data from a (quite litterally exploded laptop). I can get charts to you if you are still interested. Email me on
Many thanks
i tryed to down load midnight moggies colourful night cat and fabulous felnine and thay didnt come very good is there any sights were i can buy these patterns
Hi Vivienne, I am really interested in your firebird pattern and am wondering if you are still active selling these
Hi Karen,
Yes, I am still selling the patterns. Please contact me if you are still interested.
Hello, Vivienne
I stumbled into your website while looking for cross stitch patterns and was instantly in love with your work.
I have downloaded the three pdf files for the cat patterns from the website and would like to buy the ones for the Parlor Cats, Tree of Life Cat and any other cat designs you may have. I am in the US, how do I send you the money?
Hi there,
Thank you for your comments. I am sorry that I have missed your message, for some reason it was not delivered to me via email. Please email me your email address (I can’t see it here in this reply format) and I will send you details for purchase.
Kind regards